Monday, July 28, 2008

Session F-6 Time Change

To have sufficient time to cover the topic, Session F-6, One-Step Web Pages: A Potpourri of Genealogical Search Tools, with Stephen Morse has been expanded to 90 minutes. The session will begin at 12:30 pm and conclude at 2 pm.

The One-Step website started out as an aid for finding passengers in the Ellis Island database. Shortly afterwards it was expanded to help with searching in the 1930 census. Over the years it has continued to evolve and today includes over 100 web-based tools divided into 13 separate categories ranging from genealogical searches to astronomical calculations to last-minute bidding on E-bay. This presentation will describe the range of tools available and give the highlights of each one.

Stephen Morse is the creator of the One-Step Website for which he has received both the Outstanding Contribution Award and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, and the Award of Merit from the National Genealogical Society. He has also received the first ever Excellence Award from the Association of Professional Genealogists.

In his other life Morse is a computer professional with a doctorate degree in electrical engineering. He has held various research, development, and teaching positions, authored numerous technical papers, written four textbooks, and holds four patents. He is best known as the architect of the Intel 8086 (the granddaddy of today's Pentium processor), which sparked the PC revolution 25 years ago.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Midwestern Roots 2008 to offer Library Education Units

The Indiana Historical Society is pleased to announce that our Midwestern Roots 2008: Family History and Genealogy Conference is approved by the Indiana State Library to offer Library Education Units. The conference will be held August 15 and 16 at the Indianapolis Marriott East, with pre-conference activities on August 14 at various locations.

Midwestern Roots 2008 features more than 30 presentations by national and regional experts and covers a range of topics, from sources, methodology and technology to DNA, storytelling, photo preservation, Internet linking and much more. Multiple registration options are available, so you can plan to attend all three days or just the one day that fits your schedule. The Indiana Historical Society will provide conferees with verification of course completion. Below is the list of approved sessions for LEU credit.

§ August 14 Pre-Conference (1 LEU – 4 LEUs, depending on length of session attended)
§ August 14 Evening Panel Discussion (2 LEUs)
§ August 15 Full Day Conference (maximum 5 LEUs)
§ August 16 Full Day Conference (maximum 5 LEUs)

The following courses have been approved as Technology Library Education Units:

§ Pre-conference: Navigating the Maze: Finding Indiana Records Online (2 LEUs)
§ Pre-conference: Genealogical Research on the Internet (3 LEUs)
§ Conference: (1 LEU)
§ Conference: (1 LEU)
§ Conference: Automated Search Tools (1 LEU)
§ Conference: Innovative Tools to Connect Families (1 LEU)

For conference/session information, registration forms, exhibitor information or specific pricing, call (800) 447-1830 or visit